Maida Says….

Hit It

Hit It

by Maida Korte “……I play each point like my life depends on it.”  - Rafael Nadal The chatter can be heard from beyond the glass door as I peak inside before entering.  Pretty women with manicured nails and bouncy pony tails lace up colorful shoes. ...

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Beyond Mediocrity

Beyond Mediocrity

Maida Korte “Have you ever felt the longing for someone you could admire? For something, not to look down at, but up to?""I've felt it all my life," she said.”  (Ayn Rand – Atlas Shrugged)           The final scene in the...

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What It Is

What It Is

by Maida Korte “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing!”–Anonymous             I spent last Sunday afternoon in my closet. After watching numerous videos on how to purge my wardrobe I...

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